Cervical Cancer Project 2022-2023

UNFPA $97,750.00

Every woman, adolescent and youth everywhere, especially those furthest behind, has utilized integrated Sexual and Reproductive Health services and exercised reproductive rights, free of coercion, discrimination and violence and to create demand for Cervical Cancer screening.

34 social media engagements were conducted on HIV&AIDS prevention

479,588 women of reproductive age were reached with cervical cancer messages, out of which 173,207 are young people and 306,381 are adults

A total CYP of 34,557.98 was generated.

28 Community Based Organizations were oriented, trained on cervical cancer messages and supported to carry out demand creation activities on cervical cancer prevention.

64 community events on cervical cancer prevention were conducted in the project communities.

100 condom dispensers were procured and installed in different key population locations.

The Grand launching of the National Condomized! Campaign at the Milton Margai Technical University

36,000 young people reached with HIV&AIDS Prevention information/knowledge on social media platforms (Facebook, YouTube, Tiktok & WhatsApp)

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